A quick breakdown of our terms Price and Value
-Price is the amount of money paid or  to be paid to get a product or service..  
-Value is worth of the commodity or service 

          As an entrepreneur, this has been one of my biggest struggle, the moment i say no to my customer’s asking price, i automatically loose that customer because of my price tag, this has been going on and on for quite some time. At some point i ended up thinking i was the problem to my business. Then i realise i was never the problem.Customers always want something of high value with a none corresponding price. There is no such thing as “your product is too expensive” if  a customer tell you that your products are too expensive? my dear you’re talking to the wrong customer, have you seen anyone who walks into a Lamborghini store and said but Toyota is way lesser. Lambogini will say to such person, then go buy Toyota.       
       True fact is, you should strive to be the most premium price store whether online or in your neighbourhood ,even if you charge more than any other brand around you, your price is not a  negotiation you talk with your client, always emphasise on the value you’re providing, anytime you find yourself always deliberating on price, know that you’re not an entrepreneur , the difference between the two is perception, for instance you’re a makeup artist, and you charge #10,000 per face, and a client walk up to you with a budget of #6000 for that same make up.In this case what do you do? Never say no and don’t compromise your standard The fact that the customer came to you is because she is interested in buying. so what you should figure out is how to make the customer feel bad if they end up not wanting to patronise ,how do you do that, talk more on the quality of he make up ,talk about the set of persons you do a make up on, you can go ahead and talk about the worth of that product and the caliber of persons using it, the whole point of doing this is just to make them change their mind, i know this sound crazy yeah but it has  been working for me over the years,The minute you say no to a customer,they don’t feel bad at all, they only feel you’re arrogant and walk away, 
      NO should not be used in sales process, you should find a way to say no without even using the word no, try switching the conversation from price to value ,as you continue doing this, in the mind of the customer, the anchor is no more on the price, its now on the value of make up you doing,  no matter how hard they try talking about price, keep shifting the anchor from price to the value the product, price is the conversation people have in absent of the value they’re getting, the minute someone keeps talking about price that means that product have no value, it means you have commoditised what you do, you’re simply just like everyone else, never talk price talk value


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