5 Things to Look out for when buying a Suit.

Getting yourself a suit with the right rules to follow isn't hard at all. You don't have to seek people's advice or ask tons of questions. All you need is this masterpiece below, It's a comprehensive guide to buying the perfect suit.

Read up,
Absorb the knowledge, and you won't mess up your next or 1st
This topic is a broad one, as such, I’ll be treating it in segments so as not to bore us with the long epistle,
Feel free to ask questions and contribution where need be for the benefit of learning.
And heyyyyyyyy!!! less I forget, fasten on your seat belt as I take you through this cruise

Your first word, your first day at school, driving your first car, Then later, the more intimidating of it all,
our first job interview and the first suit you'll wear for it. So much on the line, .you're so nervous thinking about it.

lets et down to business…


How much are you willing to spend?

Determine your budget and be as generous with it as you can, as it will dictate the quality and longevity of your investment.
there are a lot of expensive suits that are typically made with a synthetic chest piece that lines the front of the jacket and is glued to the suit fabric, which will not last as long or look as good as it appears.
Also be aware of fabric quality with price point suits, as they can sometimes have a synthetic blend in the fabric.
100% wool fabrics will last longer.
As a noted philosopher, Kanye West once gloriously tweeted, “Suits is an expensive addiction.”
I buy expensive suits, they just look cheap on me.

getting a suit is not unlike others,you can either opt for the lower-end cheap stuff, the most prime product,
or something in between. It all depends on your personal preference.

Price ≠ Quality
When learning how to buy your first suit, one of the biggest early hurdles is figuring out exactly how much you need to drop.
It’ is important to remember that the most expensive suits are not necessarily the best.
There are lots of other factors that better indicate a suit’s quality.


Stay away from trends, fast fashion suits, they are not made for longevity and will not look as good over time. 
Look for suits that have classic styling, for example, you want a jacket that has two buttons,
notch lapels and side or centre vents and trousers with a flat front (no pleats).
Pants with pleats are dated and not flattering. Depending on your body type, you may want a trimmer fitting suit,
but make sure that you are not going super trendy with a skin-tight suit that is too short in the jacket and trousers.
You want a suit that fits your body comfortably and is proportionate to your size. If there is pulling or breaks in the jacket,
it is too small and not the right fit.


Whether you're purchasing your first or second suit, it should be navy, blue, charcoal or mid-grey. 
These colours can be worn year-round and to most events and work environments.
Black should not be the first suit you purchase unless you’re in a bridal party or attending a funeral, 
as it is too formal for most situations. Lighter colours are seasonal and should not be worn in late Fall/Winter. 
Also stay away from trendy colours and bold patterns, as they may go out of style quickly. 
Add these to your collection, once you have all the basics covered….

You might want to stick around for continuation of this series in our next post,
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